Alicia Siryon-Wells
Alicia has served the Lord in many capacities for the past twenty years with Advancing the Kingdom of God as her mandate. These capacities include youth and dance ministry leader, Sunday school teacher, events coordinator, member of the Finance ministry, Prophetic Team, Prison and Intercessory Prayer ministries. She spent a majority of those years working with youth and young adults through the realms of teaching God’s Word, discipleship, community service, esteem building, and leadership development.
Alicia currently serves as the Associate Director and Minister for Living Water Outreach for Girls, Inc.; a community-based liturgical dance and service organization for girls ages 9-16 which includes the study of God’s word, building relationships, and proclaiming God’s truth through dance and deed. She also serves as the Prison Ministry Coordinator for Worship Arts Restoration (WAR); coordinating worship arts for presentation at the Rhode Island Correctional Institution Women’s Facility. Alicia is a Community Liaison for Rezarec Church, Brockton; and Co-Director for the National Liturgical Dance Network (NLDN), Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapters. Lastly, Alicia serves on the Audit Committee for Rosie's Place.
Alicia has her Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Master of Science degree in Management Science from Bridgewater State College. She is the Associate Commissioner for Audit Compliance and Resolution at the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. Alicia is the wife to William Wells, and mother to daughters, Jalynn and Jael. Alicia has a heart and compassion for people and leans on her favorite scripture Romans 8:28 “For we know all things work together for the good of those who love God, and were called according to His Purpose.”