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A tent peg is a pointed piece of wood or metal that is pushed into the ground to hold the corners of a tent in position. The tent peg is heavy. It's strong, it's durable, it's rounded at the top and sharp at the bottom.

It is made to hold things down.

It must be hammered into the ground and used correctly so it doesn't lose its shape.

It marks a position.

It may appear to have one function, but the function is meant for multiple purposes.

In the Bible we find a tent peg holding the tabernacle, one of the Most Holy place for the Children of Israel. (Exodus 35-38)

We also find that the tent peg was driven through the head of a king by Jael and this was prophesied by Deborah. (Judges 4:21)

What God has shown me through the Tent Peg, that as your territory expands, your capacity grows, your tent pegs must shift and it must remain as a source of strength. You need strong tent pegs to hold down what God is setting up in your life.

Isaiah 54:2

“Enlarge the place of your tent;

Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare them;

Lengthen your ropes

And strengthen your pegs.”

What God has shown me through this symbolism is that your tent represents your Purpose, the ropes represent the Word of God, and the Pegs are your Prayers.

What God has shown me through this symbolism is that your tent represents your Purpose, the ropes represent the Word of God, and the Pegs are your Prayers.

As you start to understand the purpose God has in your life, as you grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God’s word, your prayers must remain firm and consistent. Your Prayer will keep you in position, and it will HOLD YOU DOWN.

1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

So when you are seeking God for more movement, creativity, and fresh downloads, the request for increase, enlargement can only be manifested and revealed through prayer.

This communion with God will remove the fear, the doubt, and the notion that you aren’t enough to release the true sights of God.

Your faith through prayer must increase and then your territory will increase. His Story must be told; His word must go forth, now more than ever…and that will happen through YOU.

Additional scriptures with the Tent Peg as a symbol

Isaiah 22:22-25

Zechariah 10

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Foundation of a Symbol:

One of the revelations God had shown me with is His emphasis on how He uses His creation and how He speaks through His creation by symbolism.

Symbolism is “the practice of representing things by symbols or investing things with a symbolic meaning or character.” Symbols bring forth clarity and make something become reality.

The symbol downloaded in my spirit is Ram’s horn. Now we immediately think of the shofar and the blowing of the trumpet. But God, through His creation, doesn't allow for just one singular revelation when it comes to what He wants to reveal.

His revelation is limitless and goes beyond our limited thinking, knowledge, and wisdom.

So here is what He showed me.

A Rams horn:

The horn usually refers to the spiral bony projection grown on the head of a male sheep (ram)

Ram as an action is roughly force (something) into place. For example, a Battling ram.

Whether rams have horns or not depends on the breed and age of the animal. Ram lambs are born with horn buds, and start to grow horns over the first months and years of their life. Some breeds of ram don't have horns at all, while some breeds have large horns.

Rams use their horns to:

Defend. Wild sheep need to defend themselves against predators and against other rams. A ram is also responsible to protect the herd against attacks.

Mark territory. Rams use their horns in contests over turf to show dominance over their territory.

Competition. Rams fight to determine who will mate with ewes every mating season.

Grazing. Wild sheep fend for themselves, and may use their horns to facilitate grazing.

(Source: National Wildlife Federation.)

Spiritual Meaning

The spiritual meaning of the ram in the Bible is wisdom and discernment. The ram symbolizes sacrifice, protection, and guidance. Ram’s horns also represent the power to penetrate, overcome, and achieve. It reflects the assertion of strength in creative ways to achieve a breakthrough.

The first ram that was sacrificed was in the story of Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-2, 8,13-14).

Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”

“Here I am,” he replied.

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

They go up the mountain

“The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”

Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.

Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son.

So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”

I wrote this specific revelation for an event that took place at Mount Moriah Baptist Church. Mt Moriah, the same mountain to which God provided Abraham with this burnt offering, a ram in the bush, instead of his son. It was on Mount Moriah that God became provider for Moses, and He continues to do that for us today. The song I heard so clearly while studying Genesis 22 is He Always Provides by Housefires featuring Chandler Moore. The lyrics speak to how God's word serves as a confirmation that He is with us.

Because He says what He means

And there's nothing in between

In my heart I believe

Every word that He speaks

We must know that Jehovah Jireh is always there in the midst of our tests and trials, and when we intentionally walk in true obedience, there is, and will be, provision. There will be a ram in the bush.

This ram in the bush symbolizes

the POWER to overcome,

the POWER to believe,

the POWER to achieve,

the POWER to penetrate, and

the POWER to defend.

The POWER to not just mark your territory but the capacity to expand it.

The POWER to contend the enemies attack

And the POWER to Answer the call!

“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.” 

Psalm 27:4

Beauty “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.”

Symbol-“something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something; something immaterial; an emblem, token, or a sign.”

Below is a list of colors, symbols, and numbers and there meanings. This list, is pulled from various authors and movement artists from all over. This is not an exhaustive list; I encourage you to dive deep into God's word and discover more of His beauty.

As you study, you will find CHRIST!

Meaning of Colors



Amber:  The glory of God, fiery passion, flaming throne of God, the temple of God, wisdom (Ezekiel 1:4).

Black:  Darkness, evil, sin, famine, reconciling Mediator, humility. Revelation 6:5b, Lamentations 4:8.  

Blue:  Revealed God, grace, divinity, the Priesthood, authority, the Holy Spirit, heaven, overcomer. (Exodus 24:10).   

Bright Colors - Favor; Joy Of The Lord. 

Bronze - Judgement Of God. 

Brown (or Tan) - Green Life Turns This Color (Withers) When Dead; Born Again; Without Spirit; Repentance Or Turning From Dead Works; Spiritual Death. 

Green:  Eternal life, vigor, prosperity, mercy, restoration, healing, new beginning. Psalm 92:14 Psalm 52:8, Psalm 37:35

Gold:  Eternal Deity, the Godhead, glory, purification, majesty, righteousness, Divine Light, kingliness, trial by fire. Exodus 37:,6


Orange:  Praise, fire, harvest, joy, fruitfulness. Acts 2:3

Pink - It Can Mean Flesh; As It Is The Color Of Flesh; Can Be Watered Down Blood; Or A Watered Down Gospel; Or Lack Of Passion For Gospel. Or New Life. 

Purple:  Royalty, kingship, majesty, Mediator, wealth, penitence. (John 19:2). Judges 8:26, Exodus 28:8

Rainbow:  Covenant, God's Promise.  Genesis 9:13, 16; Revelation 4:3

Red:  Blood of Jesus, cleansing justification, atonement, war, death, love, life, redemption, sacrifice. Isaiah 1:18, Joshua 2:18,21, Leviticus 14:52

Rose:  Messiah, glory, Rose of Sharon. Ezekiel 11:19


Silver:  The Word of God, redemption, divinity, righteousness, strengthened faith.  Genesis 44:8, Exodus 27:17, 1 Chronicles 28:14.

Scarlet - Christ The Sacrificial Lamb; Courage. 

Turquoise/Jasper:  River of God, sanctification, healing, life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit, the New Jerusalem


Violet - Love; Passion; Repentance; Sorrow; Suffering. 

White:  The Bride, purity, surrender, holiness, righteousness, light, joy, angels, saints, peace triumph, victory. Ecclesiastes 9:8,  Zechariah 6:3,  Matthew 17:2, John 20:12, Revelation 6:2, Revelation 7:9,

Color Combinations

All Colors: Jubilee (Leviticus 25:9-10)

Tabernacle - Scarlet, Purple and Blue: These are the colors used in the

tabernacle where God dwelt with the Israelites in the desert (Exodus 28:8; 36:8;


Bride of Christ - Gold, Silver and White: We are purified when Jesus redeemed us to become holy as He is holy (Malachi 3:3; Deuteronomy 22:29; Ephesians


Fire - Yellow, Orange and Red: As we stand in faith

the glory of God is revealed no enemy can penetrate His

protection or overcome His deliverance (Romans 4:20;

Psalm 97:3; Joshua 2:18-21)

Faith - Yellow, Green and Blue: Faith in God's ways

given to us by the Holy Spirit brings life to us now and

for eternity (Romans 4:20; Hebrews 10:15-16; 1 John


Healing water - Blue and Aqua: Life, cleansing,

healing (Psalm 1:1-3; Revelation 22:1)

Covenant-Promise- Rainbow (7) colors: Promises of

God (Genesis 9:13)

Grace - Purple and Pink: We are adopted into royalty when we are birthed into

God's Kingdom. This is only done by His grace He provides everything we need. (2

Corinthians 8:9)

Mercy - Purple and Red: Jesus is our mediator and redeemer; He clothed us in

salvation and gives us a robe of righteousness (Titus 3:4-7; Isaiah 61:10)

Praise- Fuchsia, Purple and Aqua: We have joy in the wealth of the Holy Spirit

(Jeremiah 33:9; Hebrews 2:10-12; 13:15)

Worship - Purple, Blue, and Wine: Longing, seeking to be in His presence

(Matthew 2:2; John 9:31)Majesty - Purple and Blue: Dignity, priestly, power, authority, ruler, King or high

official (1 Chronicles 29:24-25; 2 Chronicles 2:14; 3:14; Jeremiah 10:9; Esther

8:15; Ezekiel 27:7)

Repentance - Black, Red and White: All can be redeemed by Jesus through

repentance, because all of us fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23-24)

Meanings of Materials, Objects, and Symbols

Brocade - worn by kings

Linen - purity of Jesus, righteousness of the saints, worn by royalty and persons of rank

Sheer Materials - freedom and lightness, our joy in His presence

Diamonds - enduring, of great value, the saints of God

Glittering Stones and Jewels - God's light, the glories of God

Pearls - enduring, of great price

Bells - high priest's movement in the holy place, victory in praise and worship

Candle - Jesus -the light of the world

Cross - Jesus' victory over death, our faith

Crown - crown of glory, crown of life, crown of righteousness, Jesus - king over all of earth and heaven, victory

Dove - Holy Spirit

Flame - Holy Spirit

Flowers - fruitful "blooming" of God's people, Jesus - rose of Sharon and lily of the valley

Keys - spiritual authority over the spirit realms

Lamb - Jesus - the sacrifice for our sins

Lamp - wisdom and knowledge

Star of David - the people of Israel

Sun - Jesus - Son of Righteousness

Tassels - holiness, reminder to obey God's commandments

Meaning of Numbers

1 – Unity, Source, Indivisibility, Beginning 

2 - Union, Division, Witnessing 

3 - Resurrection, Divine Completeness, God-Head and Perfection 

4 - Creation, World, Flesh, Natural Man 

5 – Grace, God's Goodness, Cross, Atonement 

6 - Weakness of Man, Carnal Man, Flesh, Natural Realm and Human Wisdom, Efforts and Labor

7 - Completeness, Spiritual Perfection 

8 - New Birth, New Creation, Fullness, or New Beginning 

9 - Fruit of Spirit, Divine Completeness From the Lord, Finality, Unchangeableness 10 - Testimony, Law and Responsibility 

11 – Judgment, Incompleteness, Disorder 

12 - Governmental Perfection, Divine Government 

13 - Depravity, Sin and Rebellion 

14 - Deliverance, Salvation, Generations 

15 - Spiritual Rest, Law Fulfilled 

16 - Love 

17 - Victory 

18 - Bondage 

19 - Faith

20 - Redemption 

21 - Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin 

22 - Light 

23 - Death 

24 - Priesthood 

25 - Forgiveness 

26 - The Gospel of Christ 

27 - Preaching of the Gospel 

28 - Eternal Life 

29 - Departure 

30 - The Blood of Christ, Dedications or Consecration, Maturity, Adoption 31 - Offspring, Increase 

32 - Covenant 

33 - Promise 

34 - Naming of a Son 

35 - Hope 

36 - Enemy, Fully Man, 100% Carnality 

37 - The Word of God 

38 - Slavery, Slave to Flesh 

39 - Disease, Infirmity, Weakness 

40 - Trials, Probation and Testing 

42 - Israel's Oppression, Lord's Advent, Achievement 

45 - Preservation 

50 - Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Anointing, Jubilee 

60 - Pride 

66 - Idol Worship, Temple Void of the Spirit 

70 - Universality, Israel and Her Restoration 

100 - God's Elections of Grace, the Elect, Children of Promise, Liberty, Deliverance 119 - The Resurrection Day, Lord's Day 

120 - Divine Period of Probation, The End of All Flesh Releasing the Full Anointing 144 - The Spirit Guided/Filled Life 

153 - Fruit-Bearing, The Sons of God 

200 - Insufficiency 

300 - Complete Deliverance, Faithful Remnant 

490 - Blessed Time 

600 - Warfare 

Numbers in scripture

Numbers 1 & 2

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they (Two - the Union of Division) shall be one (Unity) flesh." Gen. 2:24

Number 9

 "But the fruit of the Spirit is (1)love, (2)joy, (3)peace, (4)longsuffering, (5)gentleness, (6)goodness, (7)faith, (8)meekness, (9)temperance: against such there is no law." Gal. 5:22-23 

 Number 4

(1) Four Regions - North, South, East and West 

(2) Four Elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water 

(3) Four Seasons - Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter 

(4) Four Kingdoms - Mineral, Vegetable, Animal and Spiritual 

(5) Four Winds - From the Four Directions 

(6) Four Divisions of Day - Morning, Noon, Evening and Night 

(7 - Completeness) Four Phases of the Moon - First Quarter, New Moon, Last Quarter and Full Moon 

Number 5

There are five offerings on the Altar of Sacrifice. 

(1) The Trespass Offering - Lev. 7:1 

(2) The Sin Offering - Lev. 7:7 

(3) The Burnt Offering - Lev. 7:8 

(4) The Meat Offering - Lev. 7:9 

(5) The Peace Offering - Lev. 7:11

5 books of law (Genesis – Deuteronomy)


Number 12 

  • God’s Perfect Government

  • 12 Tribes of Israel

  • 12 Apostles 

Number 40 

  • Trials, Probation, Testings, and Preparing

  • 40 days and 40 nights it rained upon the earth

  • 40 days Jesus fasted in the wilderness

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