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SEEK, HEAR, SEE, MOVE Creative Downloads and Planning Journal

SEEK, HEAR, SEE, MOVE Creative Downloads and Planning Journal

Are you ready to SEEK, HEAR, SEE, and MOVE?


Have you ever received a download from the Lord for a pageantry presentation, but didn't know how to document it? You didn't know how to begin to create what you saw, record how you felt when you saw the colors, the symbols, the worship tools, or the movements. Visions from the Lord for pageantry presentations can be revealed, and as movement artists, we may struggle to know where to start.


The SEEK, HEAR, SEE, MOVE Creative Downloads and Planning Journal provides a structure on how to begin this journey with the Lord, how to document what you see, and successfully fulfill the assignment.


SEEK, HEAR, SEE, MOVE is your pageantry planning journal and resource for the calendar year. You can use this journal to help guide you in seeking the Father's face, hearing what He's saying, seeing what He sees, then moving how He wants you to move. In this journal, you will find a summary of what pageantry is, the different worship tools, types of pageantry demonstrations, as well as space to plan your ministry presentations for the calendar year, track your ministry budget and expenses, song lists, creative spaces, access to technique videos, and so much more. Get ready to SEEK, HEAR, SEE, and MOVE; creation is waiting.


Journal Style:  Digital PDF

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