A tent peg is a pointed piece of wood or metal that is pushed into the ground to hold the corners of a tent in position. The tent peg is heavy. It's strong, it's durable, it's rounded at the top and sharp at the bottom.
It is made to hold things down.
It must be hammered into the ground and used correctly so it doesn't lose its shape.
It marks a position.
It may appear to have one function, but the function is meant for multiple purposes.
In the Bible we find a tent peg holding the tabernacle, one of the Most Holy place for the Children of Israel. (Exodus 35-38)
We also find that the tent peg was driven through the head of a king by Jael and this was prophesied by Deborah. (Judges 4:21)
What God has shown me through the Tent Peg, that as your territory expands, your capacity grows, your tent pegs must shift and it must remain as a source of strength. You need strong tent pegs to hold down what God is setting up in your life.
Isaiah 54:2
“Enlarge the place of your tent;
Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare them;
Lengthen your ropes
And strengthen your pegs.”
What God has shown me through this symbolism is that your tent represents your Purpose, the ropes represent the Word of God, and the Pegs are your Prayers.
What God has shown me through this symbolism is that your tent represents your Purpose, the ropes represent the Word of God, and the Pegs are your Prayers.
As you start to understand the purpose God has in your life, as you grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God’s word, your prayers must remain firm and consistent. Your Prayer will keep you in position, and it will HOLD YOU DOWN.
1 Chronicles 4:10
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.
So when you are seeking God for more movement, creativity, and fresh downloads, the request for increase, enlargement can only be manifested and revealed through prayer.
This communion with God will remove the fear, the doubt, and the notion that you aren’t enough to release the true sights of God.
Your faith through prayer must increase and then your territory will increase. His Story must be told; His word must go forth, now more than ever…and that will happen through YOU.
Additional scriptures with the Tent Peg as a symbol
Isaiah 22:22-25
Zechariah 10
